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About Me

Who am I?


My name's Laura Potter and I am a parent who’s been there… sixteen years later I am still there just like you, beset with education, health and socia care challenges for my child.

I have two children, both with varying needs, from very complex to mild, both requiring EHCP's and bespoke education packages. During my journey I have become an expert parent, not through choice but sheer determination to understand my children's conditions and ensure they are heard and they have the access to support and services they need, rightfully deserve and are legally entitled to. 

My children will thrive and flourish in education and life, just as their peers do.

What have I achieved?

I might be a little further ahead than you are on your journey right now. I’ve developed a thick skin and have learned to be professional, notwithstanding the stress and pressures navigating the SEN system can demand of you. 

As a family we have home educated, flexi schooled, dealt with severe school refusal, illegal part time timetabling, discrimination and breaching of s.42(2) duties.


I have undertaken processes to get the best for my children and others including:

  • tribunals

  • MDT panels meetings

  • TAF meetings

  • Education Health Care Needs Assessments (EHCNA) individual health care plans

  • individual medical plans

  • post-16 phase transfer annual reviews and bespoke alternative provision arrangements

  • EOTAS arrangements and annual reviews

  • planning meetings

  • phase transfers of education and reviews

  • emergency reviews

  • emergency suspension reviews

  • exceptional transport requests

  • health individual funding requests

  • assessments for DLA, PIP and DFG and social care assessments.

I have also written LA and school complaints to stage 1, 2 and 3, final stage complaints, as well as LGO, NHS and social care complaints…  to name just a few, there is more!s easy.

My professional experience in this sector

Not only am I an expert parent I have a professional background working in this sector in different capacities within SEND. This combined gives me a different level of understanding through my experiences in work and family life.

I originally trained to work with children in education settings, I have worked and trained via CDC, IPSEA and have continued development certified with NCB.

I have undertaken benefit training by The Benefits Training Co for DLA and PIP applications and have been a Family Fund assessor. I have a background in advocacy with Core Assets CDC (Council for Disabled Children) as an Independent Supporter when the biggest education reforms took place in 2014. 

I enjoyed volunteering at SENDIASS as a EHCP advisor and working as a panel member for NHS Transforming Care and CETR panel meetings.
And lastly, before CISS was born, I was the Participation and Partnership Coordinator for Pinpoint, Cambridgeshire’s Parent Carer Forum, where I worked collaboratively with parents and Cambridgeshire Local Authority on many levels.

Most importantly, I am a mum to two children that need my help every day. I am thier advocate, this is a job in itself, I help them to receive equal opportunities so they can achieve their aspirations in life, be happy and healthy, just like their peers. 

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