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Who This Is For

We support parent carers, children and young people, schools and other professionals who are working with you and your child. We adopt a holistic, joined up approach that encourages cooperation between all services where this promotes the quality of and holistic nature of provision.  I can support you in getting the very best EHCP, individual health care, education, behaviour or alternative education plans for your child or young person.

To jump to the relevant section click Parent Carers, Child / Young Person / Adult, or Schools and Professionals.

Parent Carers

As a parent carer you and your child might be facing a number of different issues with your child's education, issues are often wide ranging and complicated to resolve and you might need support to understand their rights and what happens next.


Here are just some of the areas we can support you with, from an experienced and  impartial perspective. 


If you can’t see the problem you are experiencing, it doesn't mean we can't help you, so do get in touch to discuss your individual case.


Your child /young person might be...


  • struggling to cope with the school environment, pace of the school setting and curriculum, or behind their peers academically 

  • refusing to go to school for one reason or another, school is too noisy, too busy, or can’t cope with the feeling of the school uniform, unable to eat in the school dining hall, school work too difficult or easy, can’t sit still when told etc

  • on a temporary or permanent reduced timetable or received a suspension from their education setting that impacts the amount of education they are receiving 

  • placed on a reduced timetable, with no plans to reintegrate back into the classroom or school environment 

  • struggling to attend school fulltime, the demands of school is impacting your child’s behaviour at home

  • three or four years behind  peers academically and /or socially, there are no plans in place to help them catch up

  • is not receiving a full-time education or alternative provision but you know they need some form of education but not sure what or how to access it 

  • has a medical condition and is unable to attend school due to health reasons or has been admitted to hospital for a long period of time and you are concerned about how they will access an education

  • desperately unhappy in their education setting and you don't know what to do about it or how to help them

  • is displaying challenging behaviour at their education setting, you seem to be in constant meetings with school/college and not getting anywhere


You might find...

  • your child/young person needs help but nobody is listening

  • school or your Local Authority (council) aren’t keeping you up to date with your child’s casework /paperwork, you think there should be documentation linked to your child but nothing has been shared with you

  • it has been mentioned that you are electively home educating, but you have not agreed to this, it wasn't your choice and now you don’t know what to do to get your child back into education 

  • you are unsure whether your child's is receiving the provision prescribed within your child's EHCP, and you don't know how to tackle this

  • your child or young person does not meet eligibility criteria for a social care assessments or is struggling to access health services, but you know they need help in these areas

  • your Local Authority is refusing to amend or maintain the current EHCP or you are in disagreement over the proposed content and not sure what to do to correct it

  • you are experiencing problems with the local authority refusing to undertake a needs assessment, but you would like your child to receive one

  • you have asked for an assessment for your child but you aren't sure if the LA has agreed to one or they have and it appears to be taking a very long time, you have concerns around the way the assessment is being completed and how long it is taking 

  • you have concerns with the time it is taking your child's school to complete paperwork for a needs assessment, and you are unhappy about the lack of support, guidance and/or information you are receiving from your child's school

  • you would like to know more about what comes next and encourage joined up working across agencies but don't know where to start. 

  • your child has been allocated a personal budget or direct payment as part of an EOTAS package but you aren't sure how it all works and have questions but don't know who to ask

  • you feel the assessment of your child's needs has not been co-ordinated and you have concerns that your views or your child's views are not being taken into account or taken seriously 

  • you are not receiving a level of understanding or support you hoped for from professionals, your views and your child's views are not being listened to or understood 

  • your child is due an important meeting and you aren't sure what should be happening, this could be a planning meeting, annual review, emergency annual review or phase transfer annual review

  • you would like to make a formal complaint and not sure where to start

  • you think your child/young person is being discriminated against due to their disability, and you need more information

  • you are having issues with education transport and need to understand what your child is entitled to

  • you think your child needs to be held back a year but unsure where to start


Child / Young Person /  Young Adult


Local authorities must ensure that children, their parents and young people are involved in discussions and decisions about their individual support and about local provision.


As the child or young person at the centre of any decisions being made, or assessment taken, your views, wishes and feelings are more important than anything else. Enabling you to participate in decisions as fully as possible is vital to the work we do. 


We can support you to get your views across and voice heard for any future planning. We can support you to capture what it is you really want people to hear and understand your ideas for planning your future, either in the education setting, or  under social care. We can gather your views using person centred tools, and mapping resources, we support you to make it know what it is you really need and want to happen, what's working and what's not.  Our aim to to support the child or young person, and the child’s parents, in order to facilitate the development of the child or young person and to help them achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, preparing them effectively for adulthood.

Schools and Professionals

As a early years provider, school, college and professional working with a family, you should  take steps to ensure that young people and parents are actively supported in contributing to needs assessments, developing and reviewing Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, consult children and young people with SEN or disabilities, and their parents when reviewing local SEN and social care provision, make arrangements for providing advice and information about matters relating to SEN and disability and you should enable parents to share their knowledge about their child and give them confidence that their views and contributions are valued and will be acted upon. 


We don't just  advocate for parent carers when they are unable to do this for themselves, we can also do this for schools, colleges and professionals too. We  can attend or chair meetings, guide and inform next steps, write emails and communicate with professionals on your  behalf, complete forms, gather views and help make informed decisions. We also signpost to other free and independent services. 


We help schools too by clearing the backlog of SEND paperwork, complete one page profiles with identified children write EHCPNA, EHA's, review IAEP, APDR, IHCP  documentation, coordinate and chair temporary reduced timetable review meetings, IAEP meetings, annual reviews, phase transfer reviews, emergency reviews, planning meetings,  and manage all associated  paperwork. 


If you are supporting a family and you feel they would benefit from advocacy support, then referrals to us can be made with parents/ carers permission.


If the issues you are experiencing are not listed here, it doesn't mean we can't help you, get in touch for an initial chat.

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